For business leaders, Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial Officers and even the stakeholders– the very proposition of taking the company public can be quite a challenging and exciting one at the same time. For some companies, they may have been planning for this. They may have done this for a long time and that too in a strategic manner. They may have had a goal in mind. Thus, for them going public is the successful fruition of such a long and well laid out plan.
It starts a new life in the public limelight for them. Other companies see this process as a major financial reward for their business. No matter what, when you go public as a company it makes you a prestigious business entity. At the same time, it increases your visibility with all the leading players in the investment market. This includes the likes of customers, employers, suppliers, and the financial community, in general.
There is no right time as such when it comes to going public.However, the success of the implementation is largely governed by the time you start planning it. An early start is duly advised.
Here at RJV, we would help you at every stage of the pre-IPO (initial public offering) process. This way you can meet the expectations that your investors have of you. We bring to you the best practices of corporate governance and thus help you satisfy the financial reporting-related requirements of your preferred exchange. We help you secure better understanding of the challenges that you may face when you go public and this is how we make sure that you are in the best possible position to face them as such.
This, in turn, also helps your company achieve the valuation that it truly deserves.
There is a lot of homework that needs to be done before you go public. At RJV we are fully capable of helping you in this regard so that you are ready for the investment market.
There are 4 stages in which we can help you in this particular context. In the first stage, we would perform a preliminary assessment of your organization.
Here we would look at the financial health of your business and identify entities who are good enough to be entered in the proposed listing group. We offer you access to alternate financing services in this regard as well.
In the second stage, we help you get it right. For this, we assess and evaluate your internal control systems. We look at your budgeting tools and the overall process used for financial reporting. We realign the accounting standards used in your organization as well. In the third stage, we determine the best steps that can be taken so that you can raise the desired amount of capital.
For this, we provide you suggestions on group restructuring. We also recommend and discuss the various options you have with regards to exchanges where your shares can be listed. We introduce the best professionals that can help you go public and manage the challenges thereof. In the fourth and final stage, we help you present your company to various other professional parties. For this, we look at areas such as financial disclosures and policies with special emphasis on the listing requirements. We also look at the non-financial aspects of such recommendations. We take a look at how a forecast memorandum can be prepared.
Godrej Genesis | Room No 907 | 9th Floor | Street Number 18 | Block EP & GP | Sector V | Bidhannagar | Kolkata-700 091
+91-33-4850-0604 | +91-33-4850-0608