The process of a business valuation can be described as one where the economic worth of a unit of a company or an entire business is determined. The particular process can be employed to determine the value at which you should sell or buy a company. It also helps in establishing the ownership of various partners in a company. Quite often business owners avail the services of professional business evaluators such as us, to get an objective estimate of the money at which their company should be sold.
To perform this particular work, you need to have a strong fundamental knowledge of how a company has created value and how it would go on doing so in the days to come. At a very basic level of such work, you have to able to understand how a particular company is cultivating concepts and ideas and using the capital that has been invested in it. How is the company looking to generate returns that are greater than its capital costs? This particular process takes into account various paths.
The path used depends on the industry where the work is being done. Also important in this context is the position at which the company is in its life cycle.
A lot of people have described business valuation as simultaneously being an art and a science. As part of the analytical and scientific aspects, the process employs a wide array of methods and approaches. These are applied to the company, which is the subject of such valuation work. These approaches are also used to come up with the inputs that can help with the measurement.
The art in this process is contained in its ability to use these tools effectively by using professional judgment. Such insight can be gained only when you have spent years in all kinds of company life cycles and must have worked in various industries, valuation processes, and jurisdictions. You also need to possess a great understanding of what the stakeholders and the regulators expect and need from such a process.
The overall business environment with its multifarious subsets (corporate, legal, regulatory, and accounting, to name a few) has only come to entail more complexities with the passage of time.
It simply implies that you need valuation practices that are independent and robust and are also aligned with practices that are accepted all around the world. We possess the best valuation consultants who have specialized experience in this particular domain. We offer valuation services to clients in India as well as around the world. All our business opinions are provided based on professional judgment, which is as sound as it gets, and our immense experience. We provide valuations of both companies as well as their assets.
Following are the various valuation services that we offer to our clients:
Godrej Genesis | Room No 907 | 9th Floor | Street Number 18 | Block EP & GP | Sector V | Bidhannagar | Kolkata-700 091
+91-33-4850-0604 | +91-33-4850-0608